A variety of scenarios

  • Business case

Is the -As Is- outcome of the model limited to a time overrun of less than 15% of the original scheduled duration ?

  • Tender Phase

Does the tender phase of a public private partnership embedded in governmental decision-making, has a time overrun >10% of the total scheduled duration?

  • Engineering Phase

Does a low application experience of an engineering team (i.e. cheaper resources), result in a > 5 % time overrun of the overall schedule?

  • Construction Phase

The percentage of indirect work during installation is below 10%. (Indirect work being defined as the summary of time to execute Rework, Time to exchange information and Decision time).

  • Commissioning Phase

The percentage of Rework during Commissioning is less than 5% (Rework because of quality issues)

  • Market demand

Is the current production output in line with market demand?

  • Cost Savings

It is possible to achieve a cost saving of over 5% on a multi billion LNG program?

  • Maintenance

Can the maintenance time on the engine of a jet fighter be reduced by more than 25%?